Accessibility Conferences to Attend in 2019
Creating a world that is accessible to everyone, with or without disabilities, takes innovation and drive. Conferences highlight emerging technologies in order to enhance the lives of people living with impairments. These conferences are the perfect platform for cities and businesses to learn how to become more accessible to everyone. Attend one of the conferences below to find out what’s on the horizon for assistive digital technologies, education, and city accessibility.
ATIA 2019
The Assistive Technology Industry Association (ATIA) is on a mission to present the best products and services for people with disabilities. Manufacturers, sellers, and providers of assistive technology work together to create products and systems to benefit the lives of people with impairments. Their yearly conference only continues to grow as technology continues to develop. Date: January 30 – February 2, 2019 Location: Orlando, Florida https://www.atia.org/
Fourth International Conference on Universal Accessibility in the Internet of Things and Smart Environments – Smart Accessibility 2019
This conference focuses on how to make technology and smart environments accessible to everyone. With nine different conference tracks, participants can be inspired and challenged by the work being done to create an accessible world for all. Tracks center around empowering people with disabilities to live their own lives with the assistance of digital technology. Date: February 24 – February 28, 2019 Location: Athens, Greece https://www.iaria.org/conferences2019/SMARTACCESSIBILITY19.html
34th CSUN Conference
The Center on Disabilities presents an inclusive arena for exploring assistive technology, whether a researcher or end user. This conference promotes cutting edge technology alongside practical solutions to cutting down barriers that prohibit people with disabilities from accessing education, social interaction, or work. As the largest conference focusing on assistive technologies in the world, the 34th CSUN Conference hopes to inspire, develop, and display life-changing technologies. Date: March 11 – March 15, 2019 Location: Anaheim, CA https://www.csun.edu/cod/conference
Web4All 2019
As the premier venue for accessibility research, Web4All (W4A) advances concepts of making education via the internet accessible to all. The conference scrutinizes ways that personalized technology can increase independence for people with disabilities, whether in finding new opportunities or just living a freer life. W4A explores adaptive assistive technology, customizable learning technology, inclusive personalization, AI technologies, and adaptation to users with minimal data. Date: May 13 – 14, 2019 Location: San Francisco, CA http://www.w4a.info/2019/
M-Enabling Summit – Promoting Accessible Technologies Environments
A showcase dedicated to accessible and assistive technologies, the M-Enabling Summit offers products, services, connected devices, and consumer technologies specifically to aid people with disabilities. Digital technologies are rapidly developing, and these tools provide the opportunity for independent living for people at all ability levels. This all-inclusive conference highlights the key topics of critical accessibility gaps, autonomous mobility, robotics for independent living, and smart cities. Date: June 17 – 19, 2019 Location: Washington, DC https://m-enabling.com/index.html
2019 NFB Convention
The National Federation of the Blind hosts this national convention to focus on training, support, and information for people who are blind. During this time, the NFB also elects new leadership for the governing body and establishes the new year’s priorities. This convention examines new ways to overcome and reduce barriers that people with vision impairments face. Date: July 7 – 12, 2019 Location: Las Vegas, Nevada https://nfb.org/convention/2019 Helping our world gain further accessibility for people of all abilities is a giant undertaking, but each of these conferences represents innovators who are prioritizing accessibility for people with disabilities. At StrongGo, we promote accessibility with our TekWay ADA Dome Tiles for curb ramps and inter-modal transit applications. If you need help determining how to make your office building or parking lot more accessible, reach out to us today at CSD@stronggo.com.